Channel: Active questions tagged regex - Stack Overflow

Iban regex to find in text

I have a regex to find regex like following:^[a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}\s?[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}\s?[0-9]{4}\s?[0-9]{3}([a-zA-Z0-9]\s?[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,4}\s?[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,4}\s?[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,4}\s?[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,3})?$This...

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Regex \K escape sequence in Notepad++ does match what I target but can't...

Bug or feature?Example:^(?:[^a-zA-Z\s\(]+)(?: · [^a-zA-Z\s\(]+)*\K[a-zA-Z]+ (?=(?:(?: · [^a-zA-Z\s\(]+[a-zA-Z]+ )* 【 [^ ]+(?: ·[^ ]+)* 】)?\r\n)will match the transliterated parts "shibashiba", "dare"...

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Match a Regex Pattern that doesn't follow the serial arrangement in the pattern

How do i match a string to a regex pattern in javascript, but the string does not have to follow the serial arrangement in the regex Pattern.The regex pattern test against a string containing brackets...

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regular expression for left bracket three digits right bracket i.e. [123] or...

I'm looking for a regular expression that will match 5 character strings like the two strings shown in the title. Here's a sample input string.This is a sentence that doesn't contain any matches of the...

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Regex to Find all Paragraphs, [closed]

I am trying to write a regex to find all paragraphs in a text string.Paragraphs are all Uppercase and start and end with new line \nTHIS IS A PARAGRAPHThis is just textSo is thisANOTHER PARAGRAPHThis...

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Email validation pattern in angular material app [duplicate]

I have email address field in my angular app and i applied email validation on it. It is working on most of the cases but if user enters email in the form test@test then it shows red outlinearound...

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perl regex negative lookahead replacement with wildcard

Updated with real and more complicated task:The problem is to substitute a certain pattern to different result with or without _ndm.The input is a text file with certain line like:/<random...

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NodeJS - Removing a variable from a text file (Replacing with nothing then...

Using the below code, I am storing one-time use tokens in a text file, upon being submitted in a POST, the script checks the file to see if it exists and then I need it to remove it. Currently, I got...

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Regex, match variable but limited number of unknown characters in a bunch of...

You deleted the correct answer.I've been doing research since Windows 95. I looked hard for the answer. Considering the fact you chose the WRONG answer, you wouldn't even know what to look for....

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Gitlab Test Coverage Parsing Branches only

I'm trying to implement a regex that will output the Code Coverage only for Branches after running the dotnet test command by using the Gitlab CITest coverage parsing but I'm a little bit stuck. Regex...

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Parsing COBOL Style Syntax using Regex

I am expending my COBOL like parser to extract the target of a Move statement but not anything is square brackets after the element i.e. It should not match the element [B]. An example of the code I am...

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Match several substitution patterns with a single expression

I know from the R documentation that the gsub function can be programmed to do simultaneous operations like upper/lowercase substitution:gsub("([a-z]*)([A-Z]*)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2", "upper LOWER",...

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Remove everything except specific text from a json string using regex

[ {"startDate": "2024-01-31T11:41:59","endDate": "2024-01-31T23:59:59+00:00","price": "795","currency": "DKK" }, {"startDate": "2024-02-01T00:00:00.000+00:00","endDate": "","price": "495","currency":...

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Excel VBA Regex Code to Trim Leading/Trailing White Space and Blank Lines for...

Can someone think of better Regex Pattern text than what I have created?I have tested all related Regex code I can find on this subject, none of it works with multiple lines that have many blank spaces...

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Create regex for price

I need to replace my input value if count of digits after . more then 2 and replace "," to "." if user input it.For example: user input 6554,43553 input should contain 6554.43I tried create regex, but...

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Regex is working in local machine. But in the production machine, it is not...

Basically, I am trying to remove special character from xml file. I have tried the below code. I have tested with regex tester. It's working fine. In the production machine, it is replacing...

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How does a RE fully match a word that should not be highlighted if there are...

const keywords = [Stop,.............]monaco.languages.register({ id: "mySpecialLanguage" });monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider("mySpecialLanguage", { tokenizer: { root: [...

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Handling backreferences in re.sub when replacement includes numbers [duplicate]

Take the following simple regex replacement:import res = "Python version is: 3.10"pat = r'(is:.*)\d+\.\d+$'version = "3.12"result = re.sub(pat, rf'\1{version}', s)print(result)This fails with:Traceback...

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Powershell regex replace : string is unchanged

I'm trying to regex replace some groups of charactes in powershell using the following pattern:/^(thedir[ ]=[ ]")(.)(:[/\])([a-zA-Z0-9])([/\]?.)$/gmby using this instruction:$fileContent = Get-Content...

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Bash split JSON to blocks and replace string within each block

I have a JSON file with the following content:{"Text %s and %s": "Text2 %s or %s","Here is \"Name %s\" and %s and %s": "Blabla %s and %s or %s"}I need a bash command with use of some awk or sed...

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"The big SQL RegEx": How do I RegEx split a SQL query?

I am working on an overview over all tables and queries in all Access databases in a given folder, and my aim is to split the SQL code behind the queries into columns with RegEx. Thus, I try to build a...

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Check if letter is emoji

I want to check if a letter is a emoji. I've found some similiar questions on so and found this regex: private final String emo_regex =...

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perl conditional regex check

<project name="kernel/lk" path="bootable/bootloader/lk" revision="e48c9314142c2ae93619ccd14aba2bc975165ffd"/><Project name="device/google/contexthub"...

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Perl regular expression to retrieve the first digit

I have a string with the value Validation_File_2_3.45.2017.csv.How do I extract the first digit which is 2 in this case using a regular expression?I have tried the expression ($Filedigit) = ($Filename...

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RegExp match repeated characters

For example I have string: aacbbbqqAs the result I want to have following matches: (aa, c, bbb, qq) I know that I can write something like this: ([a]+)|([b]+)|([c]+)|... But I think i's ugly and...

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i need to parse both the columns using regex but i am not able to. Please advise

Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not prunedGi1/0/1 2,6,21,25,99,195,197,505,605Gi1/0/6 2,21,25Gi1/0/7 2,21,25Gi2/0/1 2,6,21,25,99,195,197,505,605Gi2/0/6 2,21,25using this...

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Netscaler Regex syntax to return last word

I am trying to extract the last word from a user attribute string.The user attribute is AAA.USER.ATTRIBUTE(7)The attribute value string is e.g. "ord1 ord2 ord3 ord4"If I use the expression...

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Microsoft Intune dynamic group. Using -Match to find devices with two...

I need to create a dynamic group in Microsoft Intune. I'm looking to use the -match operator to locate the devices I'm trying to add. The name must have two dashes, "-". i.e.Mov-800-03 would be...

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Regex lookback mulitple conditions

I have a string that could be as follows (1 possibility):"1/1/2024; 02/01/2024; 2024-10-01" I want to return (from the right side) the last occurrence of multiple possible date formats:mm/dd/yyyy,...

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How to get numbers

myPattern = @"?:[.]?[\d]+(?:[,.]*\d)*";However, I would like to exclude the numbers following the dollar sign ($), and want to exclude numbers in parentheses (){}[].For example:input text...

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